If you’re an OB/GYN practice or group it’s not enough to be using great software. The vendor must also understand OB/GYN’s highly specialized requirements. The software is Medics, the vendor is ADS!
OB/GYN EHR Software
The Medics EHR is designed to automate the OB/GYN’s unique clinical workflow with the tools and features needed to deliver outstanding care to patients while managing their clinical and medical information with:
- OB/GYN specific templates for capturing data
- Detailed OB/GYN History is recorded
- Sections for Breast, Pelvic, Abdominal exams
- OB flow sheet
- Comprehensive OB/GYN problem list / care plans with sections for treatment plans and education
- Section for Initial Physical Examination, Genetics Screening and Infection History
- Capture Vitals, Fundal Height, Fetal Heart and Tones, Urine Glucose and Protein, Ketones, Leukocytes, blood in urine, Fetal Movement, Edema, Contractions, Presentations, etc.
- Comprehensive Review of Systems
- Detailed lab section captures Initial Labs, 8-18 weeks / 18-24 weeks / 24-28 weeks / 32-36 weeks
- Radiology Orders with option to print / fax the lab orders
- Sections to record data for OB and GYN Ultrasound
- EDC Confirmation Section in which the calculation of Gestational Age and the EDD based on LMP, Ultrasound Dates, or Procedures as per user selection is displayed
- Comprehensive Assessment and Plan section for selecting ICD and CPT codes and Medication prescribed; e-Rx for controlled and non-controlled substances
- OB/GYN transcripts and prenatal reports
- Our portal, kiosk, telemedicine, and interactive reminder texting are iPad, iPhone, and Android-enabled creating an excellent patient experience while keeping them engaged

The MedicsCloud EHR is ONC certified helping to ensure providers can obtain incentives.
MedicsCloud EHR Certification and Costs
Practice Management Software for OB/GYN
Ensuring Every Dollar for Every Patient!
- Comprehensive EDI with a nearly 99% success rate on 1st attempt OB/GYN clearinghouse claims
- Easy-to-use, built in Medics ICD-10 OB/GYN code converter
- Medics Claim Denial Manager built-in
- Real-time claim tracking for actual views on expected reimbursements
- OB/GYN billing requirements as called for by payers
- Know what they Owe™ Patient Responsibility Estimator built-in
- OB/GYN scheduler is a powerful management / financial tool protecting revenue in advance and for intricate OB/GYN scheduling
- Infusion Chair scheduling and management for optimized utilization if needed
- Solid management and financial OB/GYN KPIs / analytics / reports / dashboards
- WindowOne™ architecture for reduced keystrokes and quick data visuals
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RCM Services for OB/GYN
Comprehensive, Outsourced Revenue Cycle Management
- Ideal for OB/GYN practices that prefer to outsource their revenue cycle management needs
- MedicsRCM uses Medics Suite but clients can retain their existing EHRs if preferred with an interface to MedicsRCM
- Clients have transparent, unfettered access to the systems, to the extent they want!
- Our portal, kiosk, telemedicine, and interactive reminder texting are iPad, iPhone, and Android-enabled creating an excellent patient experience while keeping them engaged
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“When a patient’s record is opened, virtually any and every piece of information needed on the patient becomes immediately available. Medications prescribed, test results, images, allergies, previous visit details…all of this is easily viewed directly from the patient’s record. The system is a pleasure to use, and the ROI it produces in terms of eliminated redundancy and manual drudgery is extraordinary.”

Steven Gronowitz, MD
Clifton, NJ