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Healthcare Blog

The latest in all things RCM, Electronic Health Records, Radiology Information Systems, Practice Management, Medical Billing, Value-Based Care, & Healthcare IT.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM | Electronic Health Records

By: Marc Klar
May 19th, 2021

Easing pain caused by injury, disease, chronic condition, addiction, or any combination of these is a noble and rewarding pursuit that involves skill, determination, and an eye for patients’ reactions and body language.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Stephen O'Connor
January 6th, 2021

You already know how important computer and software systems are in delivering healthcare, especially from the perspective of improving employee productivity and treating more patients more effectively. That’s true in a general sense, but not all healthcare providers have insight into a particular type of software used in hospitals, practices, and clinics all across the country—electronic health records or EHR software.


The Importance of Patient Engagement: Why They - And You - Need It

Learn why patient engagement is a necessity and how you can master it within your practice.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Christina Rosario
October 14th, 2020

Your organization has been putting up with outdated electronic health record software, or you have come to realize that your EHR is just not very sophisticated, making it unsuited for your current workflow requirements.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records | Electronic Medical Record

By: Stephen O'Connor
July 22nd, 2020

In any advanced industry, members will tend to develop their own particular vernacular, with inside terms that outsiders typically do not need to understand but are essential for key players to be aware of. Jargon separates professionals from the non-experts and members of the public, and its use also saves time when writing and speaking about various concepts.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records | Telemedicine Software

By: Christina Rosario
April 15th, 2020

As the world reacts to the growing threat of the new coronavirus, healthcare workers are on the front lines of the effort to combat this disease, safeguarding the population while also striving to protect their own health with limited supplies (including masks) while hospitals fear shortages of ICU beds and ventilators.

Blog Feature

Practice Management | Electronic Health Records

By: Christina Rosario
February 19th, 2020

In the realm of modern healthcare, the integration of technology has become paramount for effective and efficient patient care. This holds especially true for behavioral health practices, where the complexity of patient needs and the necessity for accurate record-keeping are critical. Electronic Health Record (EHR) software emerges as a fundamental tool in addressing these challenges, offering a plethora of benefits that can significantly enhance the operational workflow and quality of care within behavioral health settings. Let’s delve into five compelling reasons why behavioral health practices should adopt EHR software:

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records | Healthcare Advice

By: Aja Jones
December 18th, 2019

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are a vital component of most medical practices in today’s digital age. Making the transition from a paper-based system to digital can improve not only the quality of work for your employees but the experience of your patients. However, EHRs are not always perfect.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records | Industry News

By: Marc Klar
December 4th, 2019

Most people in healthcare have heard of Health Level 7 (HL7) but not all may be familiar with it on a super-technical level. Still, most at least know HL7's needed for interfacing different healthcare-related systems, and that they'd only want to implement software that is HL7-compliant.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records

By: Christina Rosario
October 16th, 2019

You and fellow stakeholders at your medical organization have done your due diligence and determined that now is the time to switch over from an antiquated paper-based system for handling patient information and are now ready to deploy Electronic Health Records software. However, before you choose a vendor and EHR system to install, there are potential issues that you should be aware of. In particular, it’s prudent to consider security problems, reductions in data flow, the need for extra staff training, and the prospect of slowdowns for novices when inputting patient data in the first place.

Blog Feature

Electronic Health Records | Radiology Information System

By: Stephen O'Connor
September 10th, 2019

The Electronic Medical Record The electronic medical record (EMR) has been evolving from the early days before the technology revolution took off after the turn of the century. The federal mandate that took effect on January 1, 2014, required the medical world to begin using electronic medical records for "meaningful use" as outlined by the mandate.