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Healthcare IT Blog

Healthcare Blog

The latest in all things RCM, Electronic Health Records, Radiology Information Systems, Practice Management, Medical Billing, Value-Based Care, & Healthcare IT.

Christina Rosario

Christina Rosario is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Advanced Data Systems Corporation, a leading provider of healthcare IT solutions for medical practices and billing companies. When she's not helping ADS clients boost productivity and profitability, she can be found browsing travel websites, shopping in NYC, and spending time with her family.

Blog Feature

Practice Management | Electronic Health Records

By: Christina Rosario
June 7th, 2024

In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, behavioral and mental health providers face unique challenges that require specialized solutions. At Advanced Data Systems Corporation (ADSC), we understand the intricacies of mental health care and offer tailored EHR and EMR systems designed to meet the specific needs of this vital sector.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM

By: Christina Rosario
April 19th, 2024

In the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, the ability to effectively manage the revenue cycle is a critical factor in ensuring the financial health and operational efficiency of medical practices. For doctors and practice administrators, the decision to outsource Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) can be transformative, offering a strategic advantage in navigating the complexities of billing, coding, and compliance. Let's delve into why outsourcing RCM is not just a necessity but a strategic imperative for practices aiming to enhance their financial and operational performance.


The Importance of Patient Engagement: Why They - And You - Need It

Learn why patient engagement is a necessity and how you can master it within your practice.

Blog Feature

Practice Management | Electronic Health Records | Healthcare Advice

By: Christina Rosario
September 27th, 2023

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, the way physicians communicate complex and sensitive patient information has undergone a significant transformation, especially with the rise of the Internet. Traditional practices, rooted in the era before digitalization, have started giving way to more efficient and patient-friendly approaches. One such evolution is in how we handle prescriptions, where the shift from paper-based to electronic methods has become increasingly vital.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM

By: Christina Rosario
April 26th, 2023

While medical professionals such as nurses and doctors are typically focused on the physical health of their patients, they also need to take into account people’s mental state as part of their overall well-being.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM

By: Christina Rosario
March 9th, 2023

Healthcare professionals need to remain aware of any changes that may affect the industry and their responsibilities to respond to requests for information from the government. Specifically, it’s crucial to stay on top of updates from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, such as CMS quality measures.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM | Industry News | AI

By: Christina Rosario
December 27th, 2022

How to Ease Staffing Burdens for Healthcare Professionals It’s no secret that many talented individuals are leaving or have already quit their jobs during the “Great Resignation” in the aftermath of the global coronavirus pandemic. According to a report from Forbes, the healthcare industry has lost approximately 20% of its workers. Yet, the demand for healthcare services with an emphasis on patient safety, disease control, and public health has never been greater.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM

By: Christina Rosario
September 21st, 2022

2022 is not quite finished yet, but you’ll want to spend some time considering what’s ahead in the coming year for your medical organization. After all, it’s best to be as prepared as possible for upcoming requirements that will have a big effect on your practice and the way you do business during the next two years of the Biden administration.

Blog Feature

Medical Billing / RCM

By: Christina Rosario
September 15th, 2022

Savvy owners and operators of medical practices know that it’s prudent to periodically look ahead to the future of healthcare technology trends. The idea is to carve out a bit of room in their already busy schedules to get a better understanding of what may be to come. Doing so can help you support your bottom line in the coming year.

Blog Feature

Industry News | Medical Practice | Practice Management System

By: Christina Rosario
August 3rd, 2022

It’s not always easy to make a big change in how you run your medical facility. But if you delay implementing practice management software, it can put your organization at a huge disadvantage. You run the risk of falling behind other savvier healthcare providers. You should assume your competitors are using modern medical practice management software to manage their practices. With that assumption comes the realization that your staff will be working less efficiently than other doctor’s offices in comparison. It should be clear that failing to use industry-standard medical software can hamper your facility's smooth operations and damage your bottom line and future financial health. By now, most medical practices have progressed beyond relying on old-fashioned paper-based systems. For those that are still stuck with dead trees for their filing system or who are only getting by with generic management software to manage their medical practice, here are five ways that practice management software will help you.

Blog Feature

Industry News | Medical Practice | Practice Management System

By: Christina Rosario
July 27th, 2022

Running a flourishing medical practice can be an extremely labor-intensive process that involves a lot of moving parts. Anything that you can do as a manager to simplify your team’s workflow and add efficiencies to the system will go a long way toward helping your organization thrive amongst your competitors. Ordinary office management software tools will not suffice for the complicated environment of a busy medical practice. This is why so many medical organizations have come to rely on dedicated practice management software created by application professionals who know their way around the world of healthcare. As you prepare to use practice management software, here are five things that you should look for to ensure you get the best results.